CoolJB user information.
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Account created:2009-03-28
Fractal images created:1
Fractals in rendering queue:0
Votes given:1
Votes received:2
Fractal wallpapers generated:0
Fractal posters:0
No fractal producs available featuring CoolJB's images, showing random
Fractal images by CoolJB.
All fractals have been created using our fractal generator.
Fractal name: Uber Swirl
Created: 2009-03-28 Viewed: 2435
Fractal Wallpapers 0 Comments 3

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Fractal wallpapers requested by CoolJB. - BETA
Latest comments received. 15 latest.

2009-05-14 16:14:13 User nvrana commented Uber Swirl
“Okay.. It is a bit easy to find and this has been done before, but that is okay 3 out of 5 stars”

2009-03-30 09:36:24 User fractalposter commented Uber Swirl
“You could also cheat and load this fractal in the generator, set zoom to a negative value and zoom out. You can do this with all fractals to see where they are located.
I like this one, I gave it 4 out of 5 stars.”
Latest comments by CoolJB. 15 latest.

2009-03-28 16:28:54 Commented twisted

2009-03-28 16:19:13 Commented Uber Swirl
“This is too easy to find, zoom in on the neck (where the large and circle parts meet) and find the swirl.”