If you can't find the answer to your question here please use the contact form.
Q: What do the different settings in the online fractal generator do?
Zoom Depending on this setting you either zoom out or in when you click with the mouse in the fractal, Positive values means zoom in and negative zoom out. Higher value means more zoom.
Colormap A number of different color maps can be chosen to change the appearance of the fractal.
Truecolor If true color is checked the fractal is rendered with a maximum of 16,7M colors if unchecked the maximum number of colors is 256.
Maxitt The maximum number of times a pixel is iterated before it's considered to belong to the Mandelbrot set.
Autoitt With this checked Maxitt is set automatically.
Aa Anti aliasing. With this box checked a four times larger picture then visible is calculated. Every pixel in the resulting image is then calculated as an average of 2x2 pixels in the larger one. This gives a smother picture with less jagged edges.
Recalculate Redraw the current fractal with the new settings.
Fractal name Give the fractal a name if you want to save it.
Save fractal Saves the present fractal, several fractals can be saved and loaded back to the fractal generator later for further zooming or change of colormap. Saved fractal images can also be rendered in a large version. Registered users can add saved fractals to the users fractal gallery.
Q: How do I add my fractal image to the users fractal gallery?
A: You have to register as a user and save a fractal from the fractal
generator. Registered users can add saved fractals to the users fractal gallery and generate fractal wallpapers for all fractals.
Q: The fractal I want as a fractal poster, mug, t-shirt, button, hat etc. is not available on that product. Can you make it available?
A: Yes. Use our contact form to send a request and include the fractal name.
Q: Can you make a fractal image I have made in the online fractal generator available in the fractal store on posters, postcards, t-shirts, stamps?
A: Yes if you have added it to the users fractal gallery. Use our contact form to send a request and include the fractal name.
Q: How do I customize a product I want to buy?
A: Click on the product and look for the "Customize It" button.
Q: In what size are the fractal images rendered that are available on fractal posters and products?
A: They are first rendered at 42000x28000 pixels (1176M pixels) or 21000x14000 pixels (294M pixels). The images is then anti aliased to avoid jagged edges. The resulting fractal image is 10500x7000 pixels (73.5M pixels). The huge image size ensures that fractal details are visible even at the largest poster sizes.
Q: Who does the printing of the fractal images (fractal posters, mugs, t-shirts etc.)?
A: All the procucts are printed by Zazzle.com which is one of the leading print on demand company's in the world. Well known for there excellent quality and customer care.
Q: I have a question regarding "anything related to purchase/ordering/shipping/returns of products"?
A: Contact Zazzle.com.
Q: Who can generate fractal wallpapers?
A: All registered users can generate custom sized fractal wallpapers for any fractal on this site.
Q: Who can download the fractal wallpapers?
A: All generated fractal wallpapers are available for anyone to download.
Q: What is the size limitation for a fractal wallpaper?
A: Maximum width is 2560pixels and maximum height is 1600pixels.
Q: What screen resolutions is supported for the fractal wallpapers?
A: Any screen resolution within the size limit is supported.
Q: I have requested a fractal wallpaper. How long will it take to finish?
A: All fractal wallpapers is placed in a queue for rendering. Since fractal rendering is computer intensive queue time and rendering time may vary.
Q: Explain the "Expand/Crop vertically" "Expand/Crop horizontally" options?
A: The options refers to what should happen if wallpaper aspect ratio differs from original image aspect ratio.
Q: What is fractals and fractal art?
A: Wikipedia has a lot of information about fractals.
Q: What is the Mandelbrot set?
A: A explanation of the Mandelbrot set is available here.
Q: Where can I talk to other people interested in fractals?
A: Try the fractalforums.com.
Q: How do I contact you?
A: Use our contact form.