Online fractal generator
Welcome to the fractal generator. Click anywhere in the mandelbrot fractal image to zoom and discover beautiful fractal images. You can also load any fractal image on this site to the fractal generator and keep zooming or change color. Many of the fractal images on this site is available as customizable fractal posters, mugs, mousepads and t-shirts etc. in our fractal store.
Settings for the fractal generator are explained in the FAQ.
You can save the present fractal image and load it back to the fractal generator later, registered users can also add the saved fractal images to the users gallery. Free HD fractal wallpapers can also be generated from all gallery fractals. You select the size. Fractal wallpapers for iPhone, iPad, Android or any screen resolution can be generated.
Saved fractal images
You have no fractal images saved from the fractal generator.