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Account created:2010-10-23
Fractal images created:1
Fractals in rendering queue:0
Votes given:0
Votes received:4
Fractal wallpapers generated:0
Fractal posters:1
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Fractal images by Mycroft.
All fractals have been created using our fractal generator.
Fractal name: Spiral Galaxy
Created: 2010-10-23 Viewed: 4341
Fractal Wallpapers 1 Comments 1
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Fractal wallpapers requested by Mycroft. - BETA
Latest comments received. 15 latest.
2010-10-29 09:13:56 User calamityjan commented Spiral Galaxy
“Mesmerizing! Now I don't want all you other artists out there wondering why I don't comment on your shots! I can only do so much, and I spend most of my time on flickr!”
Latest comments by Mycroft. 15 latest.
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