
Fractal image Embryos

Embryos by Katsuruka

mandelbrot fractal image named Embryos

Created: 2012-11-20
Viewed: 2022
Fractal Wallpapers: 0
Votes: 2
Rate: 4.5

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4 comments on Embryos

  1. avatar

    Posted: 2012-11-21 10:20:35

    OK, I've figured out who is giving me one star ratings, and as you clearly dislike my images, I'd appreciate it if you would explain why you think they are so poor and what you feel I could do to improve them. I'm aware that English may not be your native language, so if you want to offer me constructive criticism in your own language, that is fine. 

  2. avatar

    Posted: 2012-11-23 13:05:22

    I removed some ratings. The user in question was always handing out 1 star or 5 stars never anything i between. People should feel free to give any rating but this pattern seamed a bit strange. Right or wrong to remove? I don't know! 

  3. avatar

    Posted: 2012-11-23 17:46:04

    To clarify. It was the user giving Katsurka poor ratings that had some of his/her given ratings removed.
    We have also changed so that no user can rate there own fractals anymore.
    Great work Katsurka, many of your fractals look amazing.

  4. avatar

    Posted: 2012-11-24 08:57:21

    Thank you for your support. I don't mind low ratings if there's a reason, but as you said, the pattern seemed rather strange and I honestly felt that the one-star ratings were unfair.

    I don't want to create bad feeling here. The user in question has a good feel for creating interesting and attractive fractals and I would like to just enjoy his/her work.


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